NG14 6SW Postcode Location Details & Properties

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article lists all information about NG14 6SW postcode, such as Schools, and nearby places. Other information listed are property sales data, trends, estimated property prices, etc.

It also covers Mailing address Info, Location Information, Map and directions, and Administrative details. You also get various information from the census like population, poverty, health index, etc.


NG14 6SW is an active postcode but not in use by any residential property or business. Postcode is located in Calverton, Nottinghamshire with center coordinates 53.03591400, -1.08548000. NG14 6SW when in use can be used to mail within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean. According to the 2011 census NG14 6SW has 0 properties within its service area.

Postcode belongs to NG postcode Area, NG14 District, and NG14 6 postcode Sector.

Sample Mailing Address For NG14 6SW Postcode
#House No/Name , Street
Sherwood, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
NG14 6SW

Geography And Location Details

Latitude 53.03591
Longitude -1.08548
Northing 349128
Easting 461421
Altitude 59 Meters
Grid Reference Code SK614491
Plus Code 9C5W2WP7+9R
Distance To Sea 47.31 mi

NG14 6SW postcode has center coordinates [53.03591,-1.08548]. Altitude reading for the postcode is 59 Meters above sea level. The postcode location can also be represented using #SK614491 National grid reference number.

History And Statistics

Introduced 2023-02-01
Last Updated December 2023
Mail Frequency Low (Postcode Recieves < 25 Mail per day)
Postcode Range Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

This Royal mail postcode was first introduced and became servicable in 2023-02-01. Total number of mails recieved in NG14 6SW is less than 25 mails per day. Mails getting delivered may take longer than normal as per Royal Mail records. Postcode range is limited to one specified apartment or building exactly at specified lat,long.

Census Statistics

Households N/A
Population N/A
Rural / Urban Rural town and fringe
Poverty Ratio (IOMD)
30318 / 32826
Census Output Area E00143440
Built Up Area N/A
Built Up SubDivision N/A
Lower Layer Output Super Area Gedling 002B
Middle Layer Output Super Area Calverton & Woodborough

This location is a rural town and fringe. According to 2011 census, 92.36% of the people in NG14 6SW is below poverty.

Components Of Postcode

Postcode Area NG
Postcode District NG14
Postcode Sector NG14 6

Adminstration And Postcode Areas

Country England
County Nottinghamshire
District Gedling
Ward Calverton
Parish Calverton
Local Authority Nottinghamshire
Constituency Sherwood
Region East Midlands
ITL Level 2 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire
ITL Level 3 South Nottinghamshire

Amenities Available In NG14 6SW

Work Place

Nearby Work Area Nottingham
Average Income £46200

Railway Station

Station Burton Joyce
Distance To Station 4.07 mi

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Nottinghamshire
Water Company N/A
Sewage Company N/A
Currently there are no properties linked to this postcode.

Property Sales In NG14 6SW

Demographic of property sales [1995-2023]

Latest Property Sales Value

Average Property Price in 2023 215225 GBP
Average Price of Flats in 2023 137804 GBP
Average Price of Terraced property in 2023 159895 GBP
Average Price of Semi-Detached property in 2023 206373 GBP
Average Price of Detached Property in 2023 337960 GBP

Public Transport Near NG14 6SW

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
High Hurst
Main Street, Calverton
140.04 metres
Manor Road
Admiral Rodney (opp), Main Street, Calverton
140.94 metres
Manor Road
Admiral Rodney (adj), Main Street, Calverton
150.73 metres
Old Hall Close
James Seely Park (adj), Main Street, Calverton
221.82 metres
Old Hall Close
James Seely Park (opp), Main Street, Calverton
242.42 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Burton Joyce Rail Station
Burton Joyce
6.56 km
Lowdham Rail Station
6.71 km
Hucknall Rail Station
7.40 km
Carlton Rail Station
7.89 km
Netherfield Rail Station
8.30 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Butler's Hill Tram Stop
Butlers Hill, Butlers Hill
6.95 km
Moor Bridge Tram Stop
Hucknall Lane, Hucknall Lane, Moor Bridge
7.22 km
Hucknall Tram Stop
Hucknall Rail Station, Station Road, Hucknall
7.40 km
Bulwell Forest Tram Stop
Bestwood Road, Bestwood Road, Bulwell Forest
7.83 km
Bulwell Tram Stop
Bulwell Station, Station Road, Bulwell
8.39 km


Airport Location Distance
East Midlands Airport
East Mids Airport
28.47 km

Companies Located Near NG14 6SW



The Granary Borrowside Farm Bonner Hill, Calverton, Nottingham, NG14 6FR



22 Spindle View, Calverton, Nottingham, England NG14 6HF



1 Stripes View, Calverton, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG14 6PJ



21 Brickenell Road, Calverton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG14 6PL

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near NG14 6SW

SCOTT, Graham Alfred

SCOTT, Graham Alfred

Rosedene, Bonner Hill, Calverton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG14 6FR

SCOTT, Sonya Jane

SCOTT, Sonya Jane Home Care Supervisor

Rosedene, Bonner Hill, Calverton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG14 6FR

MEADS, Andrew

MEADS, Andrew Director

Borrowside Farm, Bonner Hill, Calverton, Nottingham, England NG14 6FR


MEADS, Joan Company Secretary

The Granary Borrowside Farm, Bonner Hill, Calverton, Nottingham, NG14 6FR

MEADS, Peter Andrew

MEADS, Peter Andrew Director

The Granary Borrowside Farm, Bonner Hill, Calverton, Nottingham, NG14 6FR

FELL, Belinda Jane

FELL, Belinda Jane Administrator

30 Bonner Lane, Bonner Lane, Calverton, Nottingham, England NG14 6FY

WOOLLEY, Carl John

WOOLLEY, Carl John Engineer

30, Bonner Lane, Calverton, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG14 6FY

SCHREUDER, Maria Huberdina Elizabeth

SCHREUDER, Maria Huberdina Elizabeth Orthopaedic Surgeon

70 Bonner Lane, Calverton, Nottinghamshire, England NG14 6FY

REYNOLDS-LEE, Declan Michael

REYNOLDS-LEE, Declan Michael Barber

22, Spindle View, Calverton, Nottingham, England NG14 6HF

CORCORAN, Vivien Anne

CORCORAN, Vivien Anne

15 Church Meadow, Calverton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG14 6HG

Other Postcodes Nearby

Postcode Distance from NG14 6SW
(In Meters)
NG14 6FR 614.10
NG14 6HF 499.34
NG14 6PJ 305.95
NG14 6PL 324.61
NG14 6HH 374.55
NG14 6HG 468.85
NG14 6PH 198.12
NG14 6GE 406.00
NG14 6FY 769.07
NG14 6FL 318.56

Frequently Asked Questions

You can send mail to anyone living in NG14 6SW through Royal Mail Service.

  • Copy the sample address and add property name/number to it.
  • if required add the recipient's name.
  • You can also browse the list of properties to find out the exact address.
  • Once you have noted down the address write it down on your To section of the envelope.
  • Drop the envelope in your nearest post office.

To calculate distance between your current location and NG14 6SW just follow this link

The recent average sale price of a property in NG14 6SW is 215225 GBP. But pricing may vary depending on the property type, For more details check the above table.

Find all schools near the postcode listed in the schools section of this article.

Its located in Calverton, Nottinghamshire. View the map section for more details.

There are N/A properties in NG14 6SW as per Royal mail database.

To get directions to reach NG14 6SW follow this link.